First Board of Directors Meeting
The first meeting of board of Directors was held on 05 September 2023 at Ark Hotel, in Mpwapwa, Dodoma .
The first meeting of board of Directors was held on 05 September 2023 at Ark Hotel, in Mpwapwa, Dodoma .
The Jiwezeshe Seminar 2023, Marked a transformative milestone in empowering individuals and groups engaged in various projects and businesses. It happened for the first time from September 6th to 8th, 2023, at LITA Mpwapwa campus in Mpwapwa District, Dodoma Tanzania. The Jiwezeshe Seminar gathered over 200 participants eager to enhance their business and project management […]
The 200 participants represented a diverse spectrum of entrepreneurs, small and medium enterprises (SMEs), project managers, professionals, and experts came together to gain insights, share experiences, and collectively explore solutions to common challenges.