We are also implementing a beekeeping Project that started in 2021. With this project, we have established 20 Top bar hives to 3 village forest groups of Kisokwe, Idilo and Chamhawi in Mpwapwa District Dodoma Tanzania. This has provided a new stream of income and health benefits to local people.

In a reconnaissance survey that we did in 2019, we found that environmental conservation groups in 3 villages have well organized in vibrant management structures and they have managed to get permission from respective village governmental authorities to undertake conservation activities in degraded forests around villages and natural habitats.

During the reconnaissance survey, we noted that knowledge of processing and adding values to natural resource products is limited. Therefore, our first steps into action were to send people from two villages for courses on beekeeping and honey/wax production. In 2021, our Partner Anne H Outwater in collaboration with her friends supported us with 20 Top bar hives for our three village forest groups.

  1. Establishment of 20 Top-bar hives to 3 village forest groups and training a core contingent of 2 forest group members in the practice of beekeeping.
  2. Establishment of an innovative model of microeconomic enterprise, which can be replicated in other parts of Dodoma.
  3. Introduction of other local people to beekeeping as a means of providing personal income and reducing local poverty.
  4. Improvement of local health standards through the use of bee products such as honey and propolis.

All these projects will be implemented in Mpwapwa District. Mpwapwa District is located in the Dodoma Region of Tanzania. It is situated in the central part of the country. Dodoma, the capital city of Tanzania, is also located in the Dodoma Region. Mpwapwa District is approximately 90 kilometers west of Dodoma city. It covers an area of about 7,013 square kilometers and is known for its agricultural activities, including crop cultivation and livestock farming.